🌟Gayatri Mantra🌟


Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha

Tat Savitur Varenyam

Bargo Devasya Dhimahi

Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

Gayatri Mantra

VIDEO by www.ByHew.com (Stephen Hew Photography)

The Gayatri Mantra is from the ancient texts of Rig Veda.

It is the prayer to help connect us to the divine and illuminate our path; providing knowledge, peace and purification.

What does each word mean?

Om: represents the ultimate enlightenment, god, divine, universal consciousness.

Bhur Bhuvah Suvaha: is body, mind and soul.

Tat: is that, meaning god.  God is beyond identification, no words can describe god so we say that. 

Savitur: is source of this divine light.

Varenyam: to adore

Bargo: that light 

Devasya: Which is divine

Dhimahi: I meditate (on this light)

De: Intellect

Yo: Who

Nah: Ours

Prachodayot: I am requesting (this divine light to remove ignorance and provide illumination)

This mantra can be recited at anytime throughout the day.  Practices such as mantras are not an end all be all way to transform your life. It’s a layer to be added to your rituals that create a deeper connection to self and the divine.

Have you meditated yet today?? 🧘🏻‍♀️

Danielle Blends is a blend of Health & Wellness through meditation, yoga, yogic philosophy, nutrition, food, affirmations, mindfulness and more.

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VIDEO by www.ByHew.com (Stephen Hew Photography)

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